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Scarborough implements a new digital service, supported by the Granicus platform, that is improving outcomes for vulnerable people.

Scarborough implements a new digital service, supported by the Granicus platform, that is improving outcomes for vulnerable people.
Scarborough Borough Council have worked closely with partners in Health and Social Care, to ensure Better Care Funding allocated is used to best effect. The new digital service is underpinned by the Granicus platform and meets the challenge to work more efficiently and improve productivity, radically reducing delivery times for housing adaptations, so maximising the benefits of grant funding and improving outcomes for vulnerable people.
National data and reports show the very real benefits of providing housing adaptations that support independent living. In 2019, £100,000,000 of Better Care Funding was allocated to Councils for Disabled Facility Grants (DFG’s). Distributed through local multi-agency Health and Wellbeing Boards, DFG’s provide the funds to enable elderly, disabled and vulnerable people to adapt their homes so that they can remain independent at home. Data shows DFG’s provide value and better outcomes:
The Shared Digital Workspace provides the intuitive workflow to join up services around the needs of the individual. Data and case management information is securely and safely routed across organisational boundaries, making genuine multi-agency and citizen centred services possible. This complex process requires input from Health, Social Care and Housing. The Shared Digital Workspace enables tasks to be seamlessly joined up across all stages. Partner tasks are automatically coordinated online from application/referral, through Occupational Therapist assessment, eligibility checks, approvals, and technical case management, to successful completion. Forms and processes are fully mobile responsive, and the Offline solution makes remote and mobile working available to staff in all organisations, even where internet access is restricted or not available.
This seamless solution is ensuring older, disabled, and vulnerable people have the housing adaptations they need to retain the confidence to stay in their own homes. The service is enabling people to be discharged from hospital sooner by speeding up the process to install the necessary adaptations for safe independent living.
Scarborough have also redesigned their Handyperson and Wellbeing Services on the Granicus platform. These services address the wider determinants of health and wellbeing, coordinating services around an individual, providing choice and a holistic package of care that can meet a person’s often complex needs.
Prior to implementation the Handypersons service was heavily paper based and slow. Cost calculations and performance management were manual and very time consuming.
Performance and productivity improvement are outstanding
Wellbeing Assessments enable a fully scripted assessment to be completed in the Client’s home. The new process automatically produces full reports and support plans detailing the advice and referrals made for a service user. The service provides access and referrals to more than 25 different local care and support services.